Thank you everyone! The books from the last giveaway are all gone or booked! I feel very happy that they found homes.
Here are more books for the second round of giveaway! If you like them and want them, do let me know! I recommend that you take a look at the books either in person or online before taking the books.
The theme of this round of giveaway is society and social relationships along with fantasy theme of Lord of the Rings!
1. The Hobbit:
The famous novel is here for free grab! The book condition is not so good. It is old and worn out. I am looking for LOTR fans, who miss having their own copy of the novel! And, yes did you see the third Hobbit movie yet?
2. Fellowship of the Ring: The condition of this book is better than the Hobbit book.
4. The Return of King:
How would this LOTR set be complete without this book! If you are interested in LOTR set do let me know! This book is old and okay okay condition.
5. Social Intelligence The Revolutionary New Science of Human Relationships: After heralding Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman comes back in Social Intelligence and extends emotional intelligence to society. It has detailed information about various neurobiological experiments conducted in past decades. Goleman very neatly ties in all the research and with stories (that I felt lot moved on reading) makes this book an interesting read. For review check this Goodreads link out.
6. Romantic Manifesto: Ayn Rand- If on hearing her name, your mind runs into your pleasant memories of reading Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and you feel inspired to read more of her philosophy in her own powerful words, then this small powerful book might be the one for you! Just a note- this is a classic non-fiction from Ayn where she explains her philosophy of art in her own unique uncompromising style.
And for my dear curious friends, here is an anagrammatic hint for the theme of the next round of book giveaway: